"I am delighted to be appointed a Vice President of the Council of International Clubs. I am conscious that I am following in the footsteps of both Jean Borotra and Robert Abdesselam in this role and am honoured that I am the first French woman to hold this role. The principles for the creation of international goodwill through tennis events played between nations and of good sportsmanship on and off court, on which the International Clubs were originally founded, are as important today as they were when the British formed the first Club in 1924. The fact that France was the second country to create its own Club in 1929 and that there are now 40 International Clubs around the world, is an endorsement of the work of our French and British founding fathers in whose footsteps I am very happy to tread.
I wish all ICs good fortune in the work which they are now doing, in not only promoting to the original principles on which this family was formed but, in particular, in the work in which they are involved with juniors and in taking tennis to disadvantaged young people through IC Philanthropy"