Event date: 11/10/2019 - 13/10/2019 Export event October 2019 IC SA QUALIFY FOR THE ROD LAVER JUNIOR CHALLENGE FINAL The IC SA team continued their stranglehold on the African qualifying event to remain unbeaten since their first participation. This was possibly the easiest victory of them all as in the final they beat Ethiopia by six matches to nil and never lost more than three games in a set throughout the morning. It was a surprise as Ethiopia had dominated their previous two matches and like the IC SA team, had won them both comfortably. However, on the day the hosts proved far too strong for the first time visitors to the event. Although there was some very good tennis played, it mainly came from the home side and any hint of resurgence by Ethiopia was quickly snuffed out. Both SA boys dropped just three games in their singles matches whilst the girls were even more miserly, dropping four between them. The doubles saw Ethiopia gain more games but were never in a position to threaten the dominance of the home side. Unfortunately Botswana had transport difficulties with their last bus leaving at lunch time so with their match against the TSA Development team evenly poised at two all after the singles, there was insufficient time to complete the doubles so they were forced to concede the match. Ethiopia’s Sara Kasune was voted by the coaches to be the recipient of the Fair Play award in view of the manner in which she conducted herself throughout the event. It was fitting that the more experienced IC SA team were victorious and they will now represent the African continent at the finals in 2020 in California. RESULT OF THE FINAL TIE IC SA BEAT ETHIOPIA BY 6 MATCHES TO NIL BOYS SINGLES C Roothman beat O Guemeda 61 62 M Woodman beat Y Gezhose 60 63 GIRLS SINGLES C Kruger beat M Adane 61 63 N Manyubi beat S Kashune 60 60 BOYS DOUBLES IC SA Beat Ethiopia 63 62 GIRLS DOUBLES IC SA beat Ethiopia 63 61. Previous Article IC SA AND ETHIOPIA FIRST DAY WINNERS Next Article Mexico win the North American IC Rod Laver Junior Challenge
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