IC India Visit to IC Singapore - 2-4 October 2009
IC India visited IC Singapore from 2 to 4 October 2009.
Led by Yogesh Prasad, IC India played the first IC India-IC Singapore match with IC Singapore at Keppel Club. This was also the first international match played by IC Singapore and therefore inaugurated IC Singapore as part of the IC.
The IC India team comprised:
- Yogesh Prasad, Captain
- Raghunath D Rajwade
- Raveen M Chaudhary
- Amitabh Sood
- Ditta Singh
- Sagar Engineer
- Arvinder Singh Chhatwal
- Ms Sohini Kumari
The IC Singapore team was led by patron, Justice Choo Han Teck, and comprised:
- Justice Choo Han Teck, Patron
- Alex Chew
- Paul Wong
- Laura Koh-Liong
- Chen Chee Yen
- Tan Xu Teng
- Lee Kai Yee (junior)
- Chen Chuan Chong
- Chen Chee Yen
- Joy Chia (junior)
- Hannah Chew (junior)
- Lee King See
Enjoying the advantage of being the home team, IC Singapore prevailed 5-3 in a fiercely contested match.
IC Singapore hosted IC India to a dinner after the match at a local Hokkien restaurant where the highlight of the evening was the roasted suckling pig! At the dinner, Yogesh Prasad, Raghunath Rajwade and Sohini Kumari were appointed honorory members of IC Singapore. IC India reciprocated by appointing Justice Choo Han Teck, Laura Koh-Liong and Paul Wong as honorary IC India members.
The IC India team later left for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where they played a friendly match with a Malaysian team which IC Singapore had helped to arrange. It was hoped that IC India's visit to Malaysia would also help promote the IC in Malaysia with a view to the formation of an IC Malaysia.
For the IC India report on this visit, please see here.